On March 8, 2012, the Idaho Trails Association joined Ridge to Rivers and REI to plant silver sage, bitterbrush, and mountain big sagebrush to prevent further trail widening on trails around the Military Reserve and Foothills Learning Center. With the help of 24 volunteers, we were able to plant 250 seedlings. In these Spring conditions, we encourage members to stay on dry and/or frozen trails. To check out current trail conditions in the foothills, check out the Ridge to Rivers page at http://ridgetorivers.cityofboise.org.
- Photo Credit: Alisha Pena
- Photo Credit: Alisha Pena
I was out riding this weekend, and wondered what the plants were. I’m wondering how long it takes before they are large enough to survive and deter riders/hikers. I think a few strategically placed rocks also work well, and they stand up to more abuse.
Keep up the great work!
Most of the plants are silver sage. Growth rates depend on a number of factors, including sunlight, precipitation, and nutrient availability. Moreover, if the plants aren’t crushed by people riding off-trail, that helps too.