Project Name: Blacktail Lake
Project Dates: August 4
This is ITA’s annual trail work project with the Sandpoint Monday Hikers group. Anyone is welcome to join for a day of trail work and hiking! We’ll clear logs and brush the Blacktail Lake Trail for several hours and then turn everyone loose to finish their hike to the lake and beyond.
Later in the season, we’ll continue our work towards Moose Mountain. ITA has been working to help keep this loop in the Idaho Panhandle National Forest clear and enjoyable for hikers. Blacktail Lake makes a great day hike, with the option to loop around past Moose Mountain and Moose Lake.
Project information is subject to change. Crew leaders will communicate via email. Failure to respond to your crew leader may result in being dropped from the project. See our FAQs, reach out to your crew leader, or contact ITA staff at if you have questions.
Trails: Blacktail Lake Trail #24
Itinerary: One-day project– the crew leader will specify the meeting time and place in their pre-trip emails.
Food Provided by ITA: No
Crew Leader: Herbert Klein
Estimated Drive Time from Closest Town: About 1.5 hours from Sandpoint
Trail Map: Click for trail map and elevation profile
Difficulty Rating

Volunteer Spots: Unlimited