2024 Boulder Meadows

Volunteer Trail Work Project

2024 Boulder Meadows

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Over a one-day project, volunteers will assist the Idaho Panhandle National Forest in constructing puncheons in Boulder Meadows. Boards will be hauled in, and volunteers will help build puncheons in the valley within a few miles of the trailhead. This is part of a greater effort to construct a more sustainable trail that skirts around the meadow instead of right through it, to help preserve this beautiful area.

What’s a puncheon? You’ve probably seen them (and appreciated keeping your feet dry) on trails in boggy or seasonally wet areas. They are bridge-like structures that allow hikers and animals to cross wet areas safely, without widening or damaging the trail tread.

ITA has been working in Boulder Meadows for several years now. This beautiful valley has many trails that take off and climb up the surrounding ridges, including the Idaho Centennial Trail to the southwest. We’ve helped replace signs, improve tread, dig reroutes, and remove brush and logs in this area since 2016.

Project information is subject to change. Crew leaders will communicate via email. Failure to respond to your crew leader may result in being dropped from the project. See our FAQs, reach out to your crew leader, or contact ITA staff at trails@idahotrailsassociation.org if you have questions.

Itinerary: One-day project- the crew leader will specify the meeting time & place in their pre-trip emails.

Food Provided by ITA: No

Crew Leader: Dave Ingle

Estimated Drive Time from Closest Town: 45 minutes from Naples

Difficulty Rating

Hike: 2/5: Moderate- Flat trail through the meadows, exact location TBD, but expected to be less than a few miles’ hike to the project site.

Project Work: 4/5 Strenuous- Puncheon building is a difficult but rewarding task that includes building the foundation, leveling and installing the stringers and boards. Moving and crushing rocks to secure structures. All hand tools for drilling and hammering.

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