2024 English Point

Volunteer Trail Work Project

2024 English Point

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The English Point National Recreation Trail is a lower-elevation trail system that includes easy loops through forest terrain on the west side of Hayden Lake. This is a great opportunity to come out early in the hiking season and learn about or polish up trail maintenance skills. This popular area is heavily used by day hikers, dog walkers, and families, and has been an annual ITA project for many years. This 6-mile trail system always needs tread work, help cleaning water bars, bridge clearing, and brush removal.

More info at All Trails for the two loops: Red and Yellow.

Project information is subject to change. Crew leaders will communicate via email. Failure to respond to your crew leader may result in being dropped from the project. See our FAQs, reach out to your crew leader, or contact ITA staff at trails@idahotrailsassociation.org if you have questions.

Trails: English Point National Recreation Trail #80

Itinerary: One-day project- the crew leader will specify the meeting time & place in their pre-trip emails. Meet at English Point in the morning, work until midafternoon.

Food Provided by ITA: No

Crew Leader: Jim Manning

Estimated Drive Time from Closest Town: 10 minutes from Hayden

Difficulty Rating

Hike: 1/5 Easy– The hike is less than three miles with little to no elevation gain (less than 500 feet). Generally suitable for beginner hikers.

Project Work: 2/5 Moderate- Drainage and tread work, digging or swinging tools. Bending or kneeling for saw work or brushing. Carrying tools and day packs short distances.

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