2024 Fault Lake

Volunteer Trail Work Project

2024 Fault Lake

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In the mountains north of Sandpoint, ITA is hosting a one-day project to improve tread on sections of the Fault Lake Trail. This trail leads to Fault Lake and McCormick Lake and is used often by hikers as well as equestrians. We will spend the day working on improving tread where the trail is sloughing off down the hill. The crew will be importing native material to reinforce this section about 3.5 miles from the trailhead.

This is a great day hike or overnight backpack trip for those wanting to explore the Alpine Lakes in the Selkirks. This section of trail is also part of the Idaho Centennial Trail, and ITA is committed to maintaining sections of this 1000-mile trail each year. Later in the season, we will also be hosting a crew to help open the trail between Fault and McCormick Lake.

More info can be found on All Trails.

Project information is subject to change. Crew leaders will communicate via email. Failure to respond to your crew leader may result in being dropped from the project. See our FAQs, reach out to your crew leader, or contact ITA staff at trails@idahotrailsassociation.org if you have questions.

Trails: Fault Lake Trail #59

Itinerary: One-day project, the crew leader will specify the meeting time & place in their pre-trip emails.

Food Provided by ITA: No

Crew Leader: Herbert Klein

Estimated Drive Time from Closest Town: 1 hour from Sandpoint

Trail Map: Click for trail map and elevation profile

Difficulty Rating

Hike: 3/5 Moderately Strenuous- Fault Lake Trail climbs steadily uphill, gaining 1,500 feet of elevation in 3.5 miles, with some creek crossings. Carrying day packs and tools. See the linked map for the elevation profile.

Project Work: 3/5 Moderately StrenuousDigging, swinging tools, moving rocks, and brushing. Volunteers are encouraged to work at a pace comfortable for them.

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