ITA’s North Idaho Backpacking 101 clinic will provide a chance for new and experienced backpackers to get together and share ideas on how to better enjoy this sport. The main goal of this project is to allow volunteers to practice backpacking skills learned during the webinars and in-person lectures conducted this spring.
This project will include an overnight backpack to Plowboy Campground on the scenic west shore of Upper Priest Lake. We’ll hike about three miles on an easy trail to the campground, set up our tents and talk about tips, tricks, and other ideas on how to have more fun while backpacking in Idaho’s wild areas. This remote camp spot is equipped with a pit toilet, picnic tables, and lots of good tent sites, perfect for beginners. Over the weekend we will also do trail work on the Navigation Trail, logging out, brushing, and improving tread.
Project information is subject to change. Crew leaders will communicate via email. Failure to respond to your crew leader may result in being dropped from the project. See our FAQs, reach out to your crew leader, or contact ITA staff at if you have questions.
Trails: Navigation Trail #291
Itinerary: This is a weekend project. The crew leader will specify the meeting time & place in their pre-trip emails. Meet at Navigation Trailhead Saturday morning, backpack into Plowboy Campground. Sunday, work in the morning and return to the trailhead by midafternoon to travel home.
Food Provided by ITA: No
Crew Leader: Tom Dabrowski
Estimated Drive Time from Closest Town: About 1 hour from Priest River
Trail Map: Click for trail map and elevation profile
Refundable deposit: $25
Why do I need to pay a deposit? We’ve had trouble with people backing out of trips at the last minute which can really affect the productivity of the overall project. By charging a refundable fee, volunteers are less likely to cancel their reservation. Refunds will not be given to volunteers that do not show up or cancel their reservation. Exceptions will be made for medical reasons or unforeseen circumstances. Volunteers can choose to donate the deposit to ITA. All donations are tax-deductible and will go towards maintaining trails throughout Idaho. If you require assistance in paying for this fee, please contact us at and we will waive the cost.
Difficulty Rating
Volunteer Spots Available: 8 of 8
If there are no volunteer spots available, click “Sign Up” to get on our waitlist for this project!