UPDATE: Since we can’t meet in person, we are going to be doing this presentation online as a webinar! Same date and time as the original event. Please sign up below to get your spot!

Wednesday, April 29, 7-8 pm

Webinar description: Tired of eating pre-package backpacking meals? Guest speaker Carrie Holmes, a certified health coach, wants to help YOU spice up your backpacking meals. She will cover general hiking and backpacking nutrition, incorporating plant-based options into your menu, and how to bring a cultural flair to your recipes. Carrie has done extensive research into foods and spices from other cultures and wants to help you create delectable meals that will make your hiking partners jealous.

Click here to register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rnzFygpeRjSVBhX-UKaCJg