2024 Scimitar Ridge

Volunteer Trail Work Project

2024 Scimitar Ridge

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7/26 update!  We’ll be working on the Divide North and Divide South Trails starting form Nez Perce Pass.  Camped at Fales Flat Campground.

ITA will have an easy weekend project camping and working on the Scimitar Ridge Trail in the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness. We’ll car camp near the trailhead, just off the Magruder Road, and work up the ridge as it climbs towards Cayuse Mountain. We’ll remove logs, clean out trail drainages, and remove brush as we work up, returning to camp each evening.

This trail connects to the historic Nez Perce Trail, one of the oldest known overland travel routes of indigenous people, and up to Nez Perce Peak. One evening, we will be joined by a Bitterroot National Forest archaeologist, who will talk about the Nez Perce Trail and other history of the area.

Hikers can shuttle a vehicle from Nez Perce Pass for a long day hike that stays high along the ridges (except for one drop into Cayuse Creek) with wonderful views of the Selway Bitterroot and Frank Church Wildernesses. Last year, ITA worked up the Divide North Trail for several miles, and someday hope to connect the two!

Project information is subject to change. Crew leaders will communicate via email. Failure to respond to your crew leader may result in being dropped from the project. See our FAQs, reach out to your crew leader, or contact ITA staff at trails@idahotrailsassociation.org if you have questions.

Trails: Scimitar Ridge #36

Itinerary: This is a weekend project. The crew leader will specify the meeting time & place in their pre-trip emails. Friday evening – meet at camp near the trailhead Saturday for a full day of trail work, returning to camp for the evening. Sunday – trail work in the morning, wrap up early afternoon to allow for drive time home.

Food Provided by ITA: No

Crew Leader: Alex Cravener

Estimated Drive Time from Closest Town: One hour from Darby, Montana

Trail Map: Click for trail map and elevation profile

Refundable deposit: $25

Why do I need to pay a deposit? We’ve had trouble with people backing out of trips at the last minute which can really affect the productivity of the overall project. By charging a refundable fee, volunteers are less likely to cancel their reservation. Refunds will not be given to volunteers that do not show up or cancel their reservation. Exceptions will be made for medical reasons or unforeseen circumstances. Volunteers can choose to donate the deposit to ITA. All donations are tax-deductible and will go towards maintaining trails throughout Idaho. If you require assistance in paying for this fee, please contact us at trails@idahotrailsassociation.org and we will waive the cost.

Difficulty Rating

Hike: 3/5 Moderately Strenuous– Scimitar Peak is just under four miles with 1,500 feet of elevation gain. The number of downed trees will determine how far up we get. See the linked map for the elevation profile.

Project Work: 3/5 Moderately Strenuous– Repeated digging or sawing. Carrying tools and packs up to five miles each day.

Volunteer Spots Available: 5 of 15
If there are no volunteer spots available, click “Sign Up” to get on our waitlist for this project!

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