2024 Baron Creek – Youth

Grandjean Sawtooth National Recreation Area/Sawtooth Wilderness

In the Sawtooth Wilderness, this self-supported youth backpacking crew will work from Grandjean Campground towards Baron Lake. With camping options along the way, we will bump up camp as we work up, passing Baron Creek Falls and hopefully making it all the way to Baron Lake. This trail travels ... Read More

2024 Queens River – Youth (Full)

Queens River Trailhead Sawtooth National Recreation Area/Sawtooth Wilderness

In the Sawtooth Wilderness, ITA will be hosting a youth (ages 14-18) trail work project clearing up the Little Queens and Queens River Trails. We will camp at the Queens River trailhead, returning to camp each evening where we’ll have a volunteer cook to help prepare meals. Never a ... Read More

2024 Loon Creek – Youth (Full)

Secesh River Trailhead Payette National Forest

This will be year three of ITA’s youth (ages 14-18) program working on the Loon Creek Trail, and we've worked on every section between Chinook Campground and Lick Creek Road. This year, we’ll start at the Secesh River Trailhead, and work north to tie in with where the crew ... Read More

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