2025 Dry Saddle

Explore Panoramic Views and Access Remote Wilderness on the Magruder Corridor on this Weeklong Project

July 13 - July 19

2025 Dry Saddle

Explore Panoramic Views and Access Remote Wilderness on the Magruder Corridor on this Weeklong Project

July 13 - July 19
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Project Name: Dry Saddle 

Dates: July 13-19 

Access an incredibly wild and remote area of Idaho’s expansive Wilderness areas! This project starts along the Magruder Corridor. This famous scenic backcountry byway splits the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness to the north, and the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness to the south. Each year adventurous travelers make their way between Darby, Montana and Elk City, Idaho, stopping to hike, camp and marvel at the panoramic views along the way. 

Dry Saddle Trailhead is a major trailhead to access the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness and the mountains north of the Salmon River. We’ll be working south on the Sheep Hill Trail, which stays on the ridge for 9 miles to Sheep Hill Lookout, before descending to the Salmon River. The trail stays in the sub-alpine elevation for expansive views with Alpine lakes lining either side of the ridge. With some ups and downs, the trail maintains a gentle grade along the ridge, with steeper grades to access the lakes. The crew will backpack south along the ridge, with a few camps to bump depending on the work. Eventually ending up at a camp just below the lookout. Pack stock may be available on the last day to come bring all our gear back to the trailhead!  

 From the trailhead all the way to camp, the views will be unmatched. This section of trail is also part of the Idaho Centennial Trail, and ITA is committed to maintaining sections of this 1000-mile trail each year. 

At your own risk and with proper preparation and research beforehand, you may consider completing the Magruder Corridor after the project while you’re already halfway there! Please note, the road gets worse from here before it gets better, and snow may still be present.  

More info on Summitpost  

Trails: Sheep Hill Trail #575 

Itinerary: This is a weeklong, Sunday-Saturday project, and the crew leader will set meeting time in pre-trip emails. Meet at Dry Creek Sunday. Depending on conditions, work from the trailhead a bit or backpacking right away. Saturday morning, pack stock will come into bring gear back to the trailhead.  

Food Provided by ITA: No  

Crew Leader: Clay Jacobson  

Estimated Drive Time from Closest Town: 3 hours 45 minutes form Grangeville  

Trail Map: Click for trail map and elevation profile  

Refundable deposit: $50  

Why do I need to pay a deposit? We’ve had trouble with people backing out of trips at the last minute, which can really affect the productivity of the overall project. By charging a refundable fee, volunteers are less likely to cancel their reservation. Refunds will not be given to volunteers that do not show up or cancel their reservation. Exceptions will be made for medical reasons or unforeseen circumstances. Volunteers can choose to donate the deposit to ITA. All donations are tax-deductible and will go towards maintaining trails throughout Idaho. If you require assistance in paying for this fee, please contact us at trails@idahotrailsassociation.org and we will waive the cost. 

Difficulty Rating 

You should have experience with backpacking and be in good hiking condition with broken-in and tested gear. This is a remote backcountry project so injuries such as sprains and blisters or even extreme fatigue from not being properly conditioned can quickly become a big safety issue. If you are unsure about the proper gear or about preparing for a trip, please reach out to trails@idahotrailsassociation.org.  

If having the right gear to be safe and comfortable is a limiting factor for you, volunteers may apply for scholarships to purchase gear they need through the Splattski Outdoor Access Fund. 

Hike: 3/5 Moderately Strenuous With less than 1000 feet in total elevation gain over 9 miles, this trail follows the ridge toward Sheep Hill (8252’). Base camp depends on the work we find, with 9 being the most expected in one day. Backpacking, carrying packs and tools. See the linked map for the elevation profile. 

Project Work: 3/5 Moderately Strenuous Crosscut work, work on the trail tread to ensure proper width and slope. 

Volunteer Spots Available: 8 of 12
If there are no volunteer spots available, click “Sign Up” to get on our waitlist for this project!

Waitlist Signups: 0

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