2025 Fish Lake

Trailwork in the Proposed Great Burn Wilderness: Restoring the Stateline Trail with GBCA

August 3 - August 9

2025 Fish Lake

Trailwork in the Proposed Great Burn Wilderness: Restoring the Stateline Trail with GBCA

August 3 - August 9
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Project Name: Fish Lake 

Dates: August 3- 9  

In partnership with the Great Burn Conservation Alliance (GBCA), volunteers will gather for a week of trail work in the Proposed Great Burn Wilderness. This section of trail is also part of the Idaho Centennial Trail, and ITA is committed to maintaining sections of this 1000-mile trail each year. 

We’ll have pack support to bring in food and gear for the week to our base camp at Fish Lake, nestled right under the divide between Idaho and Montana. We’ll work right from camp on the Stateline Trail that runs along the border. From here the trail climbs up the ridge and Admiral Peak (7254’) and dips into lake basins as it travels between lush forest and open ridge line. Over the week we’ll clear logs and cut back brush, working in either direction from camp. If time and work allows, Bruin Hill is also accessed right out of Fish Lake and in need of log out. 

Project information is subject to change. Crew leaders will communicate via email. Failure to respond to your crew leader may result in being dropped from the project. See our FAQs, reach out to your crew leader, or contact ITA staff at trails@idahotrailsassociation.org if you have questions. 

Trails: Fish Lake Trail #419, Stateline Trail #738, Bruin Hill #490  

Itinerary: This is a Sunday-Saturday weeklong project. Meet at the trailhead early on Sunday to drop gear with packers and hike into camp. Work Monday-Friday, rest day as needed. Saturday morning, packer returns to bring gear back to the trailhead.  

Food Provided by ITA: Yes

Crew Leader: Clay Jacobson  

Estimated Drive Time from Closest Town: 1 hour 45 min from Superior, Montana 

Trail Map: Click for trail map and elevation profile  

Refundable deposit: $50  

Why do I need to pay a deposit? We’ve had trouble with people backing out of trips at the last minute, which can really affect the productivity of the overall project. By charging a refundable fee, volunteers are less likely to cancel their reservation. Refunds will not be given to volunteers that do not show up or cancel their reservation. Exceptions will be made for medical reasons or unforeseen circumstances. Volunteers can choose to donate the deposit to ITA. All donations are tax-deductible and will go towards maintaining trails throughout Idaho. If you require assistance in paying for this fee, please contact us at trails@idahotrailsassociation.org and we will waive the cost. 

Difficulty Rating 

Hike: 3/5 Moderately Strenuous From the Fish Lake trailhead to camp is a steady uphill climb for 5.5 miles and 1500 feet of elevation gain. Pack support available to carry in gear and food, but volunteers may have to carry some personal gear and tools depending on space. See the linked map for the elevation profile. 

Project Work: 3/5 Moderately Strenuous Crosscut work, and brushing, work on the trail tread to ensure proper width and slope. Volunteers can pick trail duties based on comfort and ability level and are encouraged to work at their own pace.  

Volunteer Spots Available: 8 of 12
If there are no volunteer spots available, click “Sign Up” to get on our waitlist for this project!

Waitlist Signups: 0

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