membership drive

10 Dec 2020

ITA expanding Women-Only Projects in 2021

2021-01-07T16:56:45-07:00December 10, 2020|0 Comments It takes a lot of work to keep some of our treasured trails open. Some would say that trail maintenance is "men's work," but that simply isn't true. Over the years, the number of women out there working crosscuts and swinging Pulaskis has continued to grow. The skills needed ... Read More

16 Nov 2020

Watch our 2020 Trail Work Season Recap video!

2021-01-07T17:00:00-07:00November 16, 2020|1 Comment

We had an awesome 2020 season of trail work! Thanks to all of our volunteers that gave so much to make Idaho's trails better for everyone. Dear ITA friends, 2020 presented many new challenges this year. A big thank you to our volunteers who helped us navigate this unpredictable ... Read More

9 Nov 2020

A Message from our Executive Director

2020-11-16T14:49:52-07:00November 9, 2020|0 Comments

Dear Idaho trail users and friends,Our membership drive is underway and goes through the end of the year! We need YOUR help to preserve and maintain vulnerable trails in Idaho’s backcountry. Trails take us to our state’s most beautiful places, providing access to unique landscapes and Wilderness areas.Unfortunately, decades of inadequate funding ... Read More

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